An opener serves as a main introduction to the linguistic focus of the issue and is usually contributed by one or more established scholars. It may be written from an individual perspective, and may feature personal experiences in researching the field, questions yet to be answered and asked. An opener may include progressive, maybe provocative thoughts.
This rather traditional format invites reports on work-in-progress and completed studies, as well as sketches of planned research projects. Outstanding student papers are very welcome. Contributors may want to invite feedback by formulating questions still open to discussion.
up to 9,000 words
Contributors are invited to submit reviews on recent publications within the field of the issue’s focus. Reviews may take more creative and/or provocative forms than usually accepted, resembling feuilletons.
up to 4,000 words
This essay-like genre is the right mould for ideas and trains of thought which do not fit the more traditional formats.
up to 2,000 words
This format allows for the discovery of objects and aspects of linguistic research and enables contributors to express rather spontaneous impressions associated with concrete communicative samples or theoretical assumptions. Brainstormings may consist of a double page, with snippets of ideas, quotations etc. grouped around a topic or problem situated in the centre, but also take longer essayistic forms.
from a few lines to 2,000 words
This genre comprises (written) conversations between two or more scholars. Dialogues can be an actual exchange of ideas among scholars put into writing. They can also be fictional, with one author assembling established researchers to an imagined debate based on their writings.
up to 9,000 words
Infographics contribute to the growing demand for complex visualisations in linguistics. There is a specific focus on visualising theoretical models. Infographics may be combined with other contribution formats.
Contributors are invited to submit video recordings in which they sketch a central idea in about 3-5 minutes.
Readers are invited to comment on journal contributions. Selected comments will appear in the follow-up issue as well as on the journal website.
Guten Morgen, sehr geehrte Kollegen!
Ich heisse Oleg Shukov. Ich komme aus Russland.
Ich möchte euch bzw. Sie gerne danach fragen, in welchen Sprachen man Beiträge absenden darf. Darf man einen Beitrag oder eine beliebige Form der Publikation in auch in Deutsch senden.
Ich bin Promovierende im Bereich Germanistik. Ich interessiere mich unter anderem für die Fragen der Allgemeinen und Angewandten Sprachwissenschaft.
Beste Grüsse aus Russland,
Oleg Shukov.
Sehr geehrter Herr Shukov,
prinzipiell bevorzugt 10plus1 als Publikationssprache das Englische. Wie auch im Fall der Publikationsformate, würden wir jedoch solche Fragen gern im Einzelfall und in Absprache mit den Autoren (in diesem Fall: Ihnen!) klären. Dazu würden wir auch gern wissen, was Sie (und: in welchem Format) planen. Am besten, Sie kontaktieren direkt den jeweiligen (Guest) Editor des Issues (Issue #2: Marion Schulte, bzw. uns (Jana Pflaeging und Peter Schildhauer) über die
Herzliche Grüße nach Russland!
Jana Pflaeging und Peter Schildhauer