Editors and Guest Editors







Jana Pflaeging is research assistant, lecturer and doctoral candidate in English linguistics at Halle-Wittenberg and Salzburg University. Her research interests include the change of multimodal genres as well as the visualisation of linguistic theories. She also works as a freelance graphic designer.

Peter Schildhauer is a research assistant and a lecturer in English linguistics and the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language at Bielefeld University. He holds a doctoral degree in English linguistics and his research interests comprise the change of text genres in computer-mediated communication.

Guest Editors

As part of our journal’s philosophy, we are inviting guest editors to send us their ideas for contribution (formats) or topical foci of future issues. At any time, please express your interest in editing a 10plus1-Issue by submitting a working title to info(at)10plus1journal.com.

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