Archiv für den Monat: Dezember 2015



Guest-editor: Dr. Marion Schulte (Bielefeld)
Opener: Prof. Dr. Anne Schröder (Bielefeld)

Download Call for Contributions

10plus1’s second issue focuses on Contact Linguistics. Research within this field is highly diverse as it encompasses a whole range of phenomena related to language contact and investigates them from different theoretical and methodological angles. Topics include changes in one or more of the languages involved in a contact situation, for example through borrowing (e.g., Thomason/Everett 2005), language creation (e.g., Schröder/Rudd fc.), or language death (e.g., Romaine 2013), but also individual and societal bi-/multilingualism and the structural and sociolinguistic implications of these phenomena (e.g., Fuller 2012). Research may be diachronic (e.g., Schulte fc.) or synchronic (e.g., Migge 2015), deal with individual languages or multiple languages (Schneider 2003), and can consider living, endangered, or extinct languages.

Issue #2 welcomes contributions of all formats (see page 1) situated within the broad frame of Contact Linguistics. Papers may deal with specific aspects, or give an overview of a broader field of research. We also invite contributions focusing on theoretical and/or methodological issues.

Marion Schulte is Akademische Rätin at Bielefeld University. She studied English and Music at the universities of Siegen and Maynooth before joining Bielefeld University, where she received her doctorate for a thesis on the semantics of derivational morphology. Her research interests include morphology, language change, and sociophonetics. She is currently working on the semantic integration of borrowed morphology into English as well as the sociophonetics of Irish English.

Your Expression of Interest (EOI) should include

  • the contribution format you are planning to choose,
  • an elaborate description of your ideas (800 to 1000 words, a draft graphic, etc.),
  • a draft outline of your contribution.

Please note that the EOI will be forwarded to the (guest) editors of the respective issue who decide on the basis of the EOI whether or not a contribution will be accepted for publication.
Please include the following information on author and co-author(s):

  • name(s)
  • institutional affiliation(s)
  • contact details

and mail your EOIs to by 15th January 2016.
We are looking forward to your contributions.


Fuller, J. (2012). Bilingual Pre-teens. Competing Ideologies and Multiple Identities in the U.S. and Germany. London: Routledge.
Migge, B. (2015). Now in the Speech of Newcomers to Ireland. In C. Amador-Moreno, K. McCafferty & E. Vaughan (Eds.), Pragmatic Markers in Irish English. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 390-407.
Romaine, S. (2013). Environment: Language Ecology and Language Death. In P. Binder (Ed.), The Language Phenomenon. Berlin: Springer, 217-234.
Schneider, E. (2003). The Dynamics of New Englishes: From Identity Construction to Dialect Birth, Language 79:2, 233-281.
Schröder, A., Rudd, P. (fc.). Language Mixing and Ecology in Africa: Focus on Camfranglais and Sheng. In R. Ludwig, P. Mühlhäusler & S. Pagel (Eds.), Language Ecology and Language Contact.
Schulte, M. (fc.). Language Contact in the History of English. In M. Hartner & M. Schulte (Eds.), Migration in Context: Literature, Culture & Language. Bielefeld: Aisthesis.
Thomason, S. G., Everett, D. (2005). Pronoun Borrowing, Berkeley Linguistics Society 27, 301-315.