Generating and Exchanging Knowledge: Rethinking Current Practices in Linguistics | Jana Pflaeging & Peter Schildhauer |
Media Linguistics: On Mediality and Culturality | Martin Luginbühl |
 | Prohibition Signage in Public Places: On the Functional Organization of Different Media, Communication Forms and Text Types | Christine Domke |
 | From "heroes working in the public interest" to "guerriglieri del web": The Role of Culture in British, Italian and German Editorials Addressing the NSA Scandal | Melanie Kerschner |
 | MediaCultureLinguistic Perspectives on Social TV: Questions and Desiderata of Analysing TV-Appropriation in Social Media | Michael Klemm & Sascha Michel |
 | From Frequency to Sequence: How Quantitative Methods can Inform Qualitative Analysis of Digital Media Discourse | Mark Dang-Anh & Jan Oliver Rüdiger |
 | Introduction to Tools and Methods for the Analysis of Twitter Data | Manuel Burghardt |
 | The Functions of Emoticons and Pictograms in Instant Messengers | Leonore Hinz |
 | Unboxing: Relevant to Media Linguistics? | Klaus Kerschensteiner |
 | Talk Digitally: Communication Models Applied to Multimedia Platforms and Networks within the Social Web | Christian Allner |
 | How Semiotic Modes Work Together in Multimodal Texts: Defining and Representing Intermodal Relations | Martin Siefkes |
 | Graphic Reading: Text Visualization by Means of Information Design | Fabienne Kilchör |
 | "Things that Matter, Pass them on.": ListSite as Viral Online Genre | Jana Pflaeging |
 | Blogging Our Way to Digital Literacies? A Critical View on Blogging in Foreign Language Classrooms | Peter Schildhauer |